Projects (Computer Science) - Under Graduate course work
1. Self-Service Portal for Mobile Application development (RMADP)
Description: A rapid mobile application development platform where users can drag and drop components into a mobile screen on the portal and build a complete android/ios application.
Technology Stack: HTML, CSS, JS, Vue.js for View layer, which is hosted on an Apache server. STS server for controller layer. MySQL for model layer. Node.js and bash scripts for build server layer.
Demo Video:
Presentation: pdf
Report: pdf
Team Members: Shourya Pratap Singh, Sneha Agarwal, Harshit Anand, Sneha Reddy
2. IOYou - Debt Manager
Description: An android application that could act as a debt manager.
Course: DBMS
Technology Stack: Android and SQLite for front end, PHP and MySQL for backend.
Presentation: ppt
Repo: IOYou
Team Members: Vedant Chakravarthy
My Contribution: Built and hosted the backend system. Made the SQLite connection in android. Also wrote the sync functionality.
3. Symphonia - Sync your music
Description: A synchronous music player for everyone. Music listeners encounter the problem that the volume of any individual device they own is often too low. Although the combined volume that can be obtained on all the devices available is adequate for their needs, this is under utilized due to a lack of the ability to play the music synchronously across all the devices.
Course: Software Engineering
Technology Stack: Android
Presentation: pdf
Repo: Symphonia
Team Members: Anirudh Badri, Hari Prasath, Vedant Chakravarthy
My Contribution: Made the basic music player in android. Worked on formulating a custom protocol for synchronized playing and implemented parts of it.
4. Internet TV/radio - a collge wide multicast
Description: An Internet TV/radio application that uses any source multicast (ASM). The first part of this project focuses on socket programming and the next part on making a GUI for the player. We used cvlc/ffplay for playing the received music and for GUI.
Course: Computer Networks
Technology Stack: C
Report: pdf
Repo: InternetRadio/TV
Team Members: Siddhart Mitra, Sridhar R Ramanujam, Vedant Chakravarthy
My Contribution: Worked on serializing and sending a multimedia stream.
5. US-Pollution data analysis and visualization
Description: A complete cleaning and visualization of us-pollution data.
Course: Data mining and warehousing
Technology Stack: R, Shiny
Report: pdf
Repo: US_Pollution_data_analysis
Data Source:
Demo: live_demo
Team Members: Atish Majumdar, Vishal Gauba
My Contribution: Made functions in R to read cleaned data and visualize (choropleth, donut chart) the data. Also hosted the shiny app in
6. CatNap - Sleep Analyzer
Description: This project lies in the domain of smart homes, as it monitors disturbances in light and sound while one is sleeping and provides relevant information. When sound increases, the system’s volume of white noise also increases aiding in one’s sleep as validated by many research communities. This works best with bluetooth earphones.
Course: Wireless Sensor Networks
Technology Stack: Arduino code (C++) for getting values from sensors and processing for GUI. Python for analyzing and plotting the received data.
Report: pdf
Repo: CatNap
Team Members: Atish Majumdar, Vedant Chakravarthy
My Contribution: Wrote arduino code for reading the sensor values (LDR and Sound Sensor). Wrote a python script for plotting the received data from sensors.
7. SNU-Dashboard
Description: An online portal where users can know all the happenings around Shiv Nadar University. Club activities to cab pool and lost and found all at this one place.
Technology Stack: HTML, CSS, AngularJS for front end. MongoDB as our database. Node.js for backend server.
Demo: link
Team Members: Hari Prasath, Vedant Chakravarthy, Vishal Gauba
My Contribution: Worked on part of the frontend application. Set up and hosted Mongo DB database instance for the forums (backend application). Customized nodebb forum to suite our theme.
8. Bookbuy Website
Description: An e-commerce website for selling and buying books.
Technology Stack: HTML, CSS, AngularJS for front end. MySQL as our database. PHP for backend server.
Demo: link
Team Members: Pranjal Mathur, Prerna, Pulkit Gupta.
My Contribution: Worked on the frontend (HTML, CSS, AngularJS) for the application.